We Always Have Choices In Life
There's times life seems to make choices for us.
Choices that don't seem quite fair.
Choices that don't make us happy.
We find ourselves at a crossroad
between the road life seemingly has chosen for us,
and the life we want.
We have a decision to make.
The one we make will affect our life greatly
for good or bad.
Its a time for wisdom.
Two roads before us.
Two choices.
Focus on the negative?
Those things that we don't like in our life
which focusing on will only make us miserable,
and not much good for anything or anyone
including ourselves,
or focus on the positive
which will make us happier,
more productive, and better in every way.
The power is in our hands.
We can choose
how much we are going to allow people,
or events,
or circumstances,
to affect us.
So much of our happiness
as well as our unhappiness,
lies within the choices we make.
We can accept that life isn’t the way we want it to be,
or we can work to change it.
We can choose to see only darkness,
or choose to see sunshine
in something
every day.
We can dream grand dreams
that never leave the ground,
or be builders of dreams
that touch the sky.
We can live in the past,
or for today.
Give up when the road becomes difficult,
or keep going.
The choices in life are endless,
and so is the potential for happiness.
Two roads.
One choice.
Which will you choose?
Be wise.
Choose the BRIGHT shining road
that holds so much promise!
By Nancye Sims
Copyright 2020
Email: [email protected]